About Me

Hello :)

I'm A, Mummy to F and engaged to M. This is another blog about someones life. Mine mainly involving how I juggle being Mummy, working, running, studying, planning a wedding and having time for myself! Hardly seems possible when you put it all down! But somehow I manage it. Its a mish mash of my whole life, though I like to try and keep it focused to running. However, being a mother is who I am and that slips in to all aspects of my life. I find it easier to blog about everything rather than sticking to one subject. Its how my mind works. Sometimes I am exhausting from being in my own mind. Everything goes round at 100mph!

Blogging is my therapy, I am happy to admit that...also a lot cheaper ;) I have highs and lows, trying to work out what I should be doing and when, what's best for us and what I need to stay clear of. I am open minded and my opinions are always changing. I think this is natural and something that everyone does.
Enjoy reading :)