Sunday, 1 January 2012

2012 Goals

"New Years Resolutions" - Utterly Useless! There is something so negative about the term that almost sets you up to fail right from the beginning. How many of us can say we have kept to our "New Years Resolutions"? Please let me know if you have, I certainly haven't. So this year I am going with goals. I stick to goals better, and I think there is a better sense of achievement when you get there. So here goes:

1. Run a marathon - This is my main goal. It will no doubt consume me and be all I talk about in the coming months. I am sorry to everyone who knows me. But please support me!
2. Read 12 books - This is my excuse for relaxing time in between all this running I am going to be doing! (I never really read, but a new kindle for Xmas might change that. Can only be a good thing!)
3. Complete Janathon - Run or complete any form of exercise everyday through January and blog about it.
4. Complete Junathon - Same principal as Janathon except during June.
5. A new 10K PB - I have a few 10K's lined up for this year.. A PB is definitely on the cards...well I hope so!
6. Family history - Something I am really looking forward to it exploring my family history. Now I have F I want to be able to tell him about his family and know myself where I came from!
7. Go to a least one gig - Since having F, anything I used to do before having him disappeared! So this is a little something to try and claim some of myself back. ( I know only one gig?! Its an expensive year with the wedding! I need to be realistic too!)
8. Run 1/2 marathon (Can't believe this slipped me by! I keep forgetting I've never done this!)
9. Take F to swimming lessons - I am awful at swimming. I can swim, but not very well. I had a drowning experience as a child and then have always been very nervous of water since. So I am refusing to pass that few onto my son. Sorry F, you're going to be a swimmer!
10. Attend a toddler group with F at least twice a month - I say toddler group, could include baby gym, activity centres, toddler group at my work, toddler groups with F's childminder. I never really take him and its more because I'm nervous. This has to stop!
11. Watch 25 films I have never seen this year - This is going to be a hard one, but I never watch films! I really should, so I have more to talk about ;) So I need a movie night once every 2 weeks. I'm going to have a very timetabled life!
12. Completed a total of 25 parkruns - I'm already at 10 so I think this will an easy goal to achieve, but it will keep me on my toes. It's quite difficult to fit in the parkruns when you have training plans as well. They take so much out of you!
13. Bake something I have never baked before one a month - ohhh it could almost be like pudding parties! I'm not that good at baking and as a mother I need to me! So I will bake something else new and express my creative side..which will be interesting as I really don't have much of one!

I'm going to stop at 13. I like the number 13 :) Let it begin!

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