This blog is an insight into my life. Being a working mummy and embarking on a running jounery. My first post is going to be about running, and how I became a ‘Running Mummy’.
Since having my Son F 16months ago, running have become a big part of my life. I started to run when I realised I had 3 stone left to lose after having F! I have low body confidence, and running was something I had started just before I fell pregnant. With my mum and step-father being Ironman Triathletes and my Fiance M a competent runner I decided this was something I wanted to be part of. I thought of F too and decided I wanted him to have healthy influences in his life. So running came back to me.
This was back in October 2010 I decided I wanted get back into running. I found myself a running plan and set out to get fit. What I encountered was painful, shocking and could have completely put me off. I ran too soon after having F. I suffered badly with my knees. I was in agonising pain for 3 weeks and I remember sitting at home and crying because it was just so painful to walk. With a 4month old and broken sleep I was starting to feel like a failure. I went and spoke with a doctor who was a wonderful lady. What she told me surprised me and I wish I had been told it sooner. It takes your body 9months to return to ‘normal’ after having a baby and all the relaxin in your system to leave the body. What is Relaxin? – Relaxin is good in the sense that its function — as you might guess from the name — is to relax the joints in the pelvis so the baby has room to pass through the birth canal. However, it can cause other muscles in the body to relax and loosen and running after pregnancy when your body isn’t used to it can put emense pressure on your joints causing damage and pain. Seriously though, why is this infomation more readily available? I remember after having Funn being told by my midwife ‘just take it easy’. No more no less. I have to say those 4 words are poor advice! More on what to expect with recovery, the types of exercise you can do or where you can go to get this information would have been more helpful. But thats another issue for another

I avoided running until March 2011 when I knew my body was recovered from pregnancy. From January 2011 I started walking a lot to help improve my fitness. I had managed to lose 1st by this point which really boasted my confidence. I started a running program I found online. It was an 8 week program to get me from walking to running 30mins in 8 weeks. It took me 14 weeks to complete. I found the program hard, and repeated weeks and took rests when I needed too. Once I felt ready I decided to take part in my local Parkrun.
Parkrun is a wonderful event. A free timed 5K every Saturday. You sign up online, print off your barcode, turn up, run, get your time emailed to you. Its a great atomosphere. Everyone is friendly and the great thing is you are only racing againest yourself. Everyone is so encouraging of your improvements and its nice to see some regulars there week after week. So many children running Parkrun with their families too, and mums and dads running with buggies. Just a wonderful place

So my first Parkrun I was nervous. Having had my Fiance, mum and steo dad run the course all in very good times, I was scared of disappointing people. I really didn’t want a time which was over 40mins. My first time was 31:27! I amazed myself. And for the first time ever I had fun running. Until then I ran to lose weight and to work towards a goal. Achieving one of my goals and completing Parkrun was incrediable! I got a massive buzz and satisfaction from all of my hard work. I became a running addict in that very moment!
I ran my first Parkrun in August 2011 and in the last 2 months this is how much my times have imporved: -
31.27 – 13/08/2011
31.09 – 20/08/2011
30.59 – 10/09/2011
30.54 – 17/09/2011
28.56 -15/10/2011
I have also completed my first 10K which I completed in 1:02:11

I am currently training for another 10K in December and a Half Marathon for March 2012.
Its hard to fit in my training around having F, but I am very lucky to have M around who is very supportive and will have F for more while I am doing Parkrun or while I am out for an early morning run. We help each out as staying fit and healthy is important to both of us.
However, running and being a mummy is a post for another day. It does come with its complications, comprimoses and keeping an open mind.
Running and being a mummy is possible. Its hard work but it is possible. I love it

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