Sunday, 15 January 2012

Bad Blogger

OK I think we can agree I am crap at blogging and keeping things up to date! I must get better at this. Anyway here I am!

Marathon Training Week 1

So this week has brought challenges in the sense of illness for all of us, which then impacted my training plan and runs needed to be moved. Janathon has appeared to died a death in my life. I have been moving every day yes! With either running, walking to work or yoga I am keeping to the bargain. but blogging about it seems to be difficult. I have signed up for Jantastic too which I am completing very well. Committed to 3 runs a week throughout January and so far I have achieved that. So Jantastic and Janathon are working along side each other. Hoping to find more time this week to blog as I get my head around everything that is happening in my life!

So lets start off with marathon training. It was a good start to the week. Monday = REST DAY! :) So apart from my tiny walk to work I did naff all! Stretched, rested and it felt great. I wasn't feeling too sore after my long run on Sunday so had a smug feeling about me Monday. It was a good day.
Tuesday I arranged to go for a run with a friend which I really enjoyed. The only downside was running in the evening. My stomach really doesn't like the evenings so stitch was a common feature throughout but having a friend to chat and laugh with really helped get me through :)
Wednesday I was meant to cross train, but not having access to a car is difficult and I didn't get to the gym. So it was more stretching, a short walk to work and some yoga.
Thursday was meant to be a morning run. Alarm went off but I was shattered. I decided sleep was important and I could run in the evening when I got home. However, F was poorly in the evening so the run didn't happen.
Friday was meant to be a rest day but I got up and ran, as I had missed my run on Thursday. Having been up loads in the night with F I debated going but thought it was best as I really didn't want to miss a run this week.
Saturday ended up being another rest day. I started feeling ill myself on Saturday so decided to rest before my long run on Sunday...actually thinking about it I failed Janathon Saturday! Uh oh! Well I was ill and I needed to rest. Saturday night resulted in a quick midnight trip to the docs with F was his temp rocketed and wouldn't go down. So another bad nights sleep and constant worrying (like all us mothers do when our little ones are poorly) I wasn't sure if Sunday's run was even going to happen.
Well today is Sunday and F is feeling fine, as he has been during the day all week, just night times he is bad...its typical ;) We were all up much later due to our early hours outing. I set off out for a 6 mile run walk. 10 mins running 2 mins walking and felt pretty good. Well apart from the cold and sore throat which did play havoc with me mentally, but physically I felt good.

So in a nut shell this have been my week:

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Slow 3 miles
Wednesday -Yoga
Thursday -Rest
Friday - Easy 3 miles
Saturday - Rest (Unwell)
Sunday - Run/Walk 6 miles

It's not perfect. I would have liked to have done some cross training and disappointed with myself I didn't do any strength training but this has been the first week I have properly been training. It was the first week of my marathon training plan and I completed all the runs. OK the other bits were hit and miss but I completed the runs. So I am focusing on the positive. I feel like I have a lot of excuses for why things didn't get done but they aren't excuses, its just life. These are the challenges I face. Its no ones fault at F has been ill, I've been ill and M has been ill as well. F comes first so sometimes training may suffer. That is something I have already accepted.

Week 1 down, 15 to go until Milton Keynes Marathon!

There are lots of other exciting things happening in life which I am going to leave to another blog post. This one can be dedicated to running and Marathon Training. Also M has just made some lovely homemade rolls and I'm starving! Off for some soup and roll :)

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