Sunday, 8 January 2012

#Janathon Day 8

Today was the start of my marathon training plan and I was starting on a long run. A 6 mile run walk. I decided to do 10mins running and 2 mins walking. This seemed sensible giving me enough time to warm up and get into a run and then recovery time. I have been having problems with my left knee since having F and its been rearing its head again recently. I think this is down to increasing my runs too quickly. After my 7mile run on Boxing Day my knee really suffered. I can easily run 6miles as I have completed two 10ks, but the furthest I had been in training was 5 miles.

To get into running I started run walking, mainly to help me with my knee, and it worked wonders. I was able to build up fitness, endurance and slowly get my knee used to the new impact of running..strange to think this was nearly a year ago. My mum also completed a marathon in 4hr 25min run walking while she was recovering from shin splints. So run walking my long runs seems to be a good idea. It was also recommended as part of the runners world sub 5hr marathon training plan which I have mainly taken on. (A few tweaks to meet where I am at.) So I think all of my long runs and probably my marathon are going to be done using the run walk method.

So back to today's run. I woke up at 7.30am to find F was still sleeping. (This is very unusual. He is a 6am early riser!) I went in to check he was ok (Que mother panic moment!) and he was fine. I decided to come and enjoy a little pre-run snack in peace. I thought getting up would disturb him, it usually does...but not today. I had my usual peanut butter on toast and a banana and started charging my ipod, guzzling some water and setting up my garmin. F woke up about 8.30am so I then needed to sort his breakfast, then clean him and get him changed and dressed. M was still in bed not feeling well, so I made him tea and toast which he ate in bed and then I got ready to set off for my run. (That was my mummy bit done!)

The first 10/2 was good. I felt a little achy but that's normal when I start off, usually takes until I am 2miles in to start feeling good. On the second interval my shins were hurting but this quickly disappeared by the third interval I was greeted with stitch...a sign my core doesn't like me! By the fourth interval I was feeling great and I really enjoyed the fourth and fifth interval. During the runs I was able to maintain a good pace of 10.30 min mile. The 2 min recoveries really made the difference and it helped me stay fresh, positive and I felt great when I got home. Stretched off straight away, F came and jumped on me when I was lying down which is usual! Adds a challenge I must admit and I am still feeling pretty good now. Expecting to feel achy tomorrow as this is my first long run since Boxing Day but all in all a great positive start. I was slightly unsure if run walking would work, but I really shouldn't have doubted it. Next run is Tuesday, just a slow and steady 2-3 miles. Hoping my legs will be up for that!

I was really pleased to see that my average pace throughout my run was 11:19. If I would maintain this through the marathon I would reach my sub 5hr goal. However I would need to keep that pace up for another 20miles...hmmm the thought is a little frightening, but I have 16 weeks worth of training to get there. Its a positive thought.

Afternoon of mummy roast and maybe I need to think about our wedding at some a bit scared last night when I realised how much we still need to do and that invites need to be sorted soon. And my wedding dress is coming in next month! Also need to get looking at my pre-study OU booklet as my course will be starting in 3 weeks time. I have a lot going on, I'm not sure how I am going to do it all. Getting stressed...need to stop thinking!

Time for lunch and some Tea :)


  1. Thats a fantastic run and its great you've found a method that works for you. Looking forward to more wedding and marathon blogs!

  2. That sounds like a brilliant run and training plan, well done :)
