Anyway weight loss has been a big part of my life since having Finlay. Watching what I eat, exercise and body image have plagued me! After having F I was left with 3st to lose…which meant I must have put on at least 4st maybe edging towards 5st! The average is 2st! How did this happen? Well I let it happen. I didn’t exercise, ate what I wanted (bad food, take aways etc) and put my enormous bump and arse down to having a big baby..ok fair enough F was 10lb! But did I make him 10lb? Thats something else that has plagued my mind since having him…. another post for another day…
Here is a beautiful photo of me at 19. Taken at uni and I was a lovely 9st! Just tiny! I never worried about weight. I was happy with my body, I didn’t think I was perfect but I was happy. Being over weight never entered my mind. I ate reasonably well (apart from a lot of alcohol) but I never exercised (unless dancing while drunk counts?!).
After having F I wasn’t bothered about my weight. I had just had major surgery and was very sore and swollen. I didn’t even think about what my body looked like. I just wanted to feel better and get home. I was unable to wear anything other than jogging bottoms or leggings for 3 months due to my c-section scar so again I never really noticed how big I had gotten. I did intend to breastfeed so thought that would get rid of any weight I had, and I knew my body needed time to get back to normal after pregnancy.
However in August 2010 when I weighed myself for the first time since I was about 20 weeks pregnant I was expecting the scales to maybe say I was 10st 7lb. After all I was a tiny 9st before I feel pregnant I’m not ashamed to admit that Icried when the scale told me I was 12st. I was obese with a BMI of 30!
How had I become so deluded about my weight and how I looked! I was shocked. The 12st on the scales opened my eyes. It was a horrible reality check, but one I seriously needed!
There may be people who are reading this and can relate. There may be people reading this who might be angry and think I am vain and self centred or there may be people reading who just don’t get it. But for me being “obese” was something I found very hard to deal with. All my life I have worried about what others thought of me, but this really was about me and only me. And I knew there would be no one else who cared about this as much as I did. In that moment I knew I had to lose weight and I wanted to be “me” again. Not only that, I knew I was risking my health. I was unhealthy. I considered myself a bad role model for my son. I wanted him to grow up fit and healthy, how could I do this when I was obese! After much crying and self pity my weight loss and running journey started.
I have blogged about how I became a running mummy, but dieting is something I haven’t touched on yet. Lets face it, they’re sh1t! And I learnt that dieting is sh1t very quickly! I failed time and time again to stick to calories and I quickly realised that this wasn’t just a diet, it was a whole lifestyle change. I couldn’t carry on eating the way I had been. I needed to change my eating habits and views towards food. Losing weight fast was not going to happen. I needed slow and steady weight loss to make sure it stayed off!
In January 2011 I joined Weight Watchers (other slimming providers are available…). I liked the Weight Watchers plan. It really did teach me about healthy eating and about portion size! I am now so used to smaller portions that I find it incredibly hard to pig out and stuff my face. (Buying smaller dinner plates helped with portion sizes too. My plate always looks full.) It was manageable and easy to follow. It took me a long time to adjust recipes, get used to drinking tea with no sugar, skimmed milk, low fat yogurts, and eggs. Eggs are my biggest discovery since starting my weight loss journey. I read an article online (I must find it one day but really can’t be bothered at the moment!) which suggested people who ate eggs every day typically eat 400 cals less than people who don’t. I now have to eat eggs everyday, and my god it works! Boiled, scrambled, fried (in 1cal spray oil), omelette’s, I love them all!
I have left weight watchers now, for the past 2-3 months have been maintaining my weight well. So far I have lost 30lb and my BMI is down to 24. Thats 3 times the birth weight of F! Makes me feel a bit sick that I had that much crap in my body to lose. I still have another 10lb to go. I lost my motivation for a while, but I am so pleased I have maintained my weight. My running is improving so I know I haven’t failed in anyway. Its a real comfort to know I can maintain my weight.
My motivation to lose those last 10lbs is back…with the purchase of a wedding dress! The most gorgeous dress I have ever seen in my life. I fell in love all over again (sorry M!). So “Operation Stunning Bride” Commences after my weekend away I think

This is my story of weight loss so far and reading it back to myself it seems so easy. It really hasn’t been. These changes in my life and dealing with a lot of issues related to my weight have taken their toll at times. I am very lucky to have a supportive partner, family and friends behind me who have kept me going. Having a child, starting to run, going back to work, becoming a new April is still the hardest thing I have ever done…and its still going on. Losing weight and getting fit is f*cking hard work! But..
If you really want something you will find a way to do it/get there. If you don’t, you will find an excuse.
Having F has been life changing in so many ways. Its made me aware of who I am and what’s important to me. One of those things is being healthy. Losing weight isn’t just about body image. It’s about being healthy, both mentally and physically. The healthier I am, the more I can offer my son.
A Healthy Happy Mummy will raise Healthy Happy Children.
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