Once I found out I was pregnant I began to realise that I was going to have no-one to relate too. No mummy friends. So I went onto the netmums website and used the ‘meet a mum’ boards and met a wonderful person. She is now my best friend.
Meeting Cathy was one of the best things that happened to me while I was pregnant. Having someone to share those tough times with, share your children’s experiences, offer advice and generally have a good gossip! Also F now has two wonderful playmates

I was lucky enough to meet two other lovely ladies at my antenatal classes and we all live within a 2min walk of each others houses. We all had our babies within 2 weeks of each other. Its been lovely to share the experience of bringing up out little ones with others. We have shared many dates at costa…its where I got hot chocolate addiction from! Thanks ladies

Without my ‘Mummy Friends’ I wouldn’t have got through some tough times. I wouldn’t have people to relate too and that it something which I find really important. Having people I can relate too. I think I would feel very lonely if it wasn’t for these special people in my life.
I find and I am meeting new mummy’s all the time, which means F has more friends too. Having lots of friends is less important to me now. Its having friends I get on with, have similar opinions and views or who can accept mine, and having someone I can have a good gossip with. Being alone when you are a mum must be the worst thing. I often think about moving too a town close to me as its cheaper to live. But I just couldn’t. I’m settled where I am. I have friends nearby, my family nearby. I pay a preium to live in the area I do but you really can’t put a price on happiness. And thats something I definitely have by being near my friends and family.
The people I grew up with I haven’t forgotten. I speak to them occasionally. Some of the may be reading this. I am just on a different path and in a different place.
“Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn’t mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over.”

Any expectant mummy’s or new mummy’s out there reading this, I hope you have some mummy friends around you. I really think it is key to helping you through that first tough year and becoming more sure of yourself as a mummy.
To all of my friends and family…. I love you. I may not see many of you regularly but I still think of you, and I am lucky enough to have friends and family I don’t need to see every week, but we can pick up where we left off and have a good catch up

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