Sunday, 1 January 2012

#Janathon Day 1

So it has began. It crept up on me and suddenly I thought "F**k I need to run tomorrow!"

Xmas has offically left and January begins. I feel this month will be hard for me based on what happened last January. Its already planning on my mind and I can feel my mood is a lot more flat than usual. Janathon is a good positive destraction. (If you are unaware of what happened last January and you're feeling nosey please read my Reflecting on a tough year post.)

So anyway back to the matter in hand:

Day 1:
3 mile/30min run. Legs felt stiff and tired. It was dark and rainy too. Pace: 10min mile.

Now, it was a crap run. I didn't feel great at all. My legs hurt, I ache now and it was meant to be a 6 miler really! Bur there are positives. I can run. I didn't feel out of breathe, it felt natural to be running and I felt like a runner. Forget the sore legs! 9 months ago I could barely run for 2 mins and now a 30min run is something I think about doing with ease! To be honest I hate shorter runs. I found they hurt more! Takes me a good 2miles to warm up.

This was the good quick up the arse I needed to get back into it. Janathon you may be the death of me!

So 1 down, 30 to go!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant first day run, I know what you mean about warming up after 2 miles though!
