Sunday, 15 January 2012

Bad Blogger

OK I think we can agree I am crap at blogging and keeping things up to date! I must get better at this. Anyway here I am!

Marathon Training Week 1

So this week has brought challenges in the sense of illness for all of us, which then impacted my training plan and runs needed to be moved. Janathon has appeared to died a death in my life. I have been moving every day yes! With either running, walking to work or yoga I am keeping to the bargain. but blogging about it seems to be difficult. I have signed up for Jantastic too which I am completing very well. Committed to 3 runs a week throughout January and so far I have achieved that. So Jantastic and Janathon are working along side each other. Hoping to find more time this week to blog as I get my head around everything that is happening in my life!

So lets start off with marathon training. It was a good start to the week. Monday = REST DAY! :) So apart from my tiny walk to work I did naff all! Stretched, rested and it felt great. I wasn't feeling too sore after my long run on Sunday so had a smug feeling about me Monday. It was a good day.
Tuesday I arranged to go for a run with a friend which I really enjoyed. The only downside was running in the evening. My stomach really doesn't like the evenings so stitch was a common feature throughout but having a friend to chat and laugh with really helped get me through :)
Wednesday I was meant to cross train, but not having access to a car is difficult and I didn't get to the gym. So it was more stretching, a short walk to work and some yoga.
Thursday was meant to be a morning run. Alarm went off but I was shattered. I decided sleep was important and I could run in the evening when I got home. However, F was poorly in the evening so the run didn't happen.
Friday was meant to be a rest day but I got up and ran, as I had missed my run on Thursday. Having been up loads in the night with F I debated going but thought it was best as I really didn't want to miss a run this week.
Saturday ended up being another rest day. I started feeling ill myself on Saturday so decided to rest before my long run on Sunday...actually thinking about it I failed Janathon Saturday! Uh oh! Well I was ill and I needed to rest. Saturday night resulted in a quick midnight trip to the docs with F was his temp rocketed and wouldn't go down. So another bad nights sleep and constant worrying (like all us mothers do when our little ones are poorly) I wasn't sure if Sunday's run was even going to happen.
Well today is Sunday and F is feeling fine, as he has been during the day all week, just night times he is bad...its typical ;) We were all up much later due to our early hours outing. I set off out for a 6 mile run walk. 10 mins running 2 mins walking and felt pretty good. Well apart from the cold and sore throat which did play havoc with me mentally, but physically I felt good.

So in a nut shell this have been my week:

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Slow 3 miles
Wednesday -Yoga
Thursday -Rest
Friday - Easy 3 miles
Saturday - Rest (Unwell)
Sunday - Run/Walk 6 miles

It's not perfect. I would have liked to have done some cross training and disappointed with myself I didn't do any strength training but this has been the first week I have properly been training. It was the first week of my marathon training plan and I completed all the runs. OK the other bits were hit and miss but I completed the runs. So I am focusing on the positive. I feel like I have a lot of excuses for why things didn't get done but they aren't excuses, its just life. These are the challenges I face. Its no ones fault at F has been ill, I've been ill and M has been ill as well. F comes first so sometimes training may suffer. That is something I have already accepted.

Week 1 down, 15 to go until Milton Keynes Marathon!

There are lots of other exciting things happening in life which I am going to leave to another blog post. This one can be dedicated to running and Marathon Training. Also M has just made some lovely homemade rolls and I'm starving! Off for some soup and roll :)

Sunday, 8 January 2012

#Janathon Day 8

Today was the start of my marathon training plan and I was starting on a long run. A 6 mile run walk. I decided to do 10mins running and 2 mins walking. This seemed sensible giving me enough time to warm up and get into a run and then recovery time. I have been having problems with my left knee since having F and its been rearing its head again recently. I think this is down to increasing my runs too quickly. After my 7mile run on Boxing Day my knee really suffered. I can easily run 6miles as I have completed two 10ks, but the furthest I had been in training was 5 miles.

To get into running I started run walking, mainly to help me with my knee, and it worked wonders. I was able to build up fitness, endurance and slowly get my knee used to the new impact of running..strange to think this was nearly a year ago. My mum also completed a marathon in 4hr 25min run walking while she was recovering from shin splints. So run walking my long runs seems to be a good idea. It was also recommended as part of the runners world sub 5hr marathon training plan which I have mainly taken on. (A few tweaks to meet where I am at.) So I think all of my long runs and probably my marathon are going to be done using the run walk method.

So back to today's run. I woke up at 7.30am to find F was still sleeping. (This is very unusual. He is a 6am early riser!) I went in to check he was ok (Que mother panic moment!) and he was fine. I decided to come and enjoy a little pre-run snack in peace. I thought getting up would disturb him, it usually does...but not today. I had my usual peanut butter on toast and a banana and started charging my ipod, guzzling some water and setting up my garmin. F woke up about 8.30am so I then needed to sort his breakfast, then clean him and get him changed and dressed. M was still in bed not feeling well, so I made him tea and toast which he ate in bed and then I got ready to set off for my run. (That was my mummy bit done!)

The first 10/2 was good. I felt a little achy but that's normal when I start off, usually takes until I am 2miles in to start feeling good. On the second interval my shins were hurting but this quickly disappeared by the third interval I was greeted with stitch...a sign my core doesn't like me! By the fourth interval I was feeling great and I really enjoyed the fourth and fifth interval. During the runs I was able to maintain a good pace of 10.30 min mile. The 2 min recoveries really made the difference and it helped me stay fresh, positive and I felt great when I got home. Stretched off straight away, F came and jumped on me when I was lying down which is usual! Adds a challenge I must admit and I am still feeling pretty good now. Expecting to feel achy tomorrow as this is my first long run since Boxing Day but all in all a great positive start. I was slightly unsure if run walking would work, but I really shouldn't have doubted it. Next run is Tuesday, just a slow and steady 2-3 miles. Hoping my legs will be up for that!

I was really pleased to see that my average pace throughout my run was 11:19. If I would maintain this through the marathon I would reach my sub 5hr goal. However I would need to keep that pace up for another 20miles...hmmm the thought is a little frightening, but I have 16 weeks worth of training to get there. Its a positive thought.

Afternoon of mummy roast and maybe I need to think about our wedding at some a bit scared last night when I realised how much we still need to do and that invites need to be sorted soon. And my wedding dress is coming in next month! Also need to get looking at my pre-study OU booklet as my course will be starting in 3 weeks time. I have a lot going on, I'm not sure how I am going to do it all. Getting stressed...need to stop thinking!

Time for lunch and some Tea :)

Saturday, 7 January 2012

MK Marathon...

Oh go on then! ;)

I had always said MK Marathon just seemed too close and I didn't want to do it. So I was planning on completing MK Half and then having a go at New Forest Marathon later on in the year so I could prepare myself more. That was until I attended David Lloyd Redway Runners marathon clinic earlier this week.

I went along to help me prepare for what was in store after my half mara. I had no idea really what I would be letting myself in for. Well I had some kind of idea as my parent's take part in Ironman for fun (seriously, crazy people!) So marathons kind of seemed 'normal' to me. But I knew I needed to learn more about what it was going to take.

Milton Keynes was sold to me by Andy Hully the race director. The story of how Milton Keynes Marathon came to be made me fall in love with it. I love Milton Keynes. Its my home town. The route seems lovely, no travelling, so many friends and family to take part so I won't feel lonely, and friends and family can support so easily. Also next year I just don't know what my running plans will be. After my wedding comes moving house and decisions about more children. I just don't know if Milton Keynes Marathon is going to be on the agenda for next year. Anyway I just got a buzz from the whole thing so Milton Keynes Marathon is my new goal with MK Half becoming part of my training!

So 16 weeks to go the training begins! My training plan is taking a complete u-turn as a marathon is just a different ball game. I am slightly frightened I have to be honest, but I am surrounded by people who I know can help me. My parent's for one are always great for support and advice. They are also training for Milton Keynes Marathon and Outlaw Triathlon. Mental people but very supportive and I wouldn't even be considering doing Milton Keynes Marathon if it wasn't for them.

So back to training, yes...Its going to be tough but I think I am handle it. I have my training plan ready, I am prepared to hurt a little and feel a little out of my depth for a while but I know I'm not alone :) I am prepared to miss training days or take an extra cross training day if my body tells me to f**k off. I am very worried about injury but I think my taking it slow, listening to my body and being prepared to maybe take some extra rest days here or there I should be alright.

Targets for Milton Keynes Marathon...well I just want to finish really, but being as competitive as I am I really wand sub 5hrs. I think this is a realistic target. This a steady pace of 11.30 minute mile pace. Doesn't sound much but I am still frightened at the thought of maintaining that for 5hrs! So pleased I know people running it with me. I feel I will need those people at some point. I probably chat with people I don't even now. Having read many Ironman race reports of my mum, it appears a good gossip during an endurance is a must! So I will be keeping this in mind ;)

I have decided dieting will have to stop. I need my energy. I am now maintaining my weight, though with marathon training if I am eating right I should lose half a stone...or so I am told ;) So not dieting but still making sure I am getting a healthy balanced diet so I can handle these long wrongs and this intense training. Sport massage I think will become a must...any volunteers?! ;)

I'm not sure if the madness has kicked in yet, or the realisation of what I have done. As my training takes off I am sure I will have highs and lows.

Marathon running mummy. Some how I will fit this into my life. I want my photo of me and F with my finishers medal :) That's the goal, now for the journey.... Wish me luck!

#Janathon Day 7...

Oh dear, I am sh1t at blogging, and maybe a bit at Janathon!

January 3rd marked the day I went back to work. It was surprising hard! All of a sudden my mind was filled with different priorities...well they were priorities at the time. I had to get used to juggling work again. Sounds stupid as I was 'ok' at it before the xmas holidays. It amazing how 2 weeks of eating and sitting on your backside can completely change you mentally! Anyway work is now back in my mind and I can deal with it. Feeling less stressed about work now.

So back to Janathon. I have been saved by the fact I walk to work. So for day Janathon day 3 4 5 and 6 I have walked for at least 20mins a day. Plus I never sit still in my job and probably cover another 2-3 miles just by working ;) Clutching at straws here! Sadly I don't have a garden to gallop around :( So I have done my best...Kind of feels like cheating, but the whole point of Janathon for me was to be moving everyday as I was a complete coach potato during the xmas break!

Today involved another walk. I volunteered at parkrun this morning (I was timekeeper...agrrrhhh!) so I went for short walk afterwards to help warm me up! It was very cold standing still for nearly 1hr :) But worth it.

That's about it for now!

Monday, 2 January 2012

#Janathon Day 2

Day 2:

Weights and leg strengthening - 20mins
Core workout - 15mins
Running around after toddler and cleaning!

Ok, I feel today was an awful attempt at exercise but weights, strength training and working on my core are an important part of my training program. I was planning on going out for a walk but F has been so difficult today and decided nap time was play time. Rest of the day was destroying the house as much as possible! Lame excuses I know but then M went out this evening so I've really had no chance to seek out and get a quick 30min walk in *sigh* that's parenting for you! The only cute thing F did all day was copy me doing squats, stretching and sit ups! Children really copy everything they see :)

Tomorrow brings me a nice gentle 30min run so I will feel like I have done something more no doubt.

2 down, 29 to go.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

#Janathon Day 1

So it has began. It crept up on me and suddenly I thought "F**k I need to run tomorrow!"

Xmas has offically left and January begins. I feel this month will be hard for me based on what happened last January. Its already planning on my mind and I can feel my mood is a lot more flat than usual. Janathon is a good positive destraction. (If you are unaware of what happened last January and you're feeling nosey please read my Reflecting on a tough year post.)

So anyway back to the matter in hand:

Day 1:
3 mile/30min run. Legs felt stiff and tired. It was dark and rainy too. Pace: 10min mile.

Now, it was a crap run. I didn't feel great at all. My legs hurt, I ache now and it was meant to be a 6 miler really! Bur there are positives. I can run. I didn't feel out of breathe, it felt natural to be running and I felt like a runner. Forget the sore legs! 9 months ago I could barely run for 2 mins and now a 30min run is something I think about doing with ease! To be honest I hate shorter runs. I found they hurt more! Takes me a good 2miles to warm up.

This was the good quick up the arse I needed to get back into it. Janathon you may be the death of me!

So 1 down, 30 to go!

Silent Sunday

2012 Goals

"New Years Resolutions" - Utterly Useless! There is something so negative about the term that almost sets you up to fail right from the beginning. How many of us can say we have kept to our "New Years Resolutions"? Please let me know if you have, I certainly haven't. So this year I am going with goals. I stick to goals better, and I think there is a better sense of achievement when you get there. So here goes:

1. Run a marathon - This is my main goal. It will no doubt consume me and be all I talk about in the coming months. I am sorry to everyone who knows me. But please support me!
2. Read 12 books - This is my excuse for relaxing time in between all this running I am going to be doing! (I never really read, but a new kindle for Xmas might change that. Can only be a good thing!)
3. Complete Janathon - Run or complete any form of exercise everyday through January and blog about it.
4. Complete Junathon - Same principal as Janathon except during June.
5. A new 10K PB - I have a few 10K's lined up for this year.. A PB is definitely on the cards...well I hope so!
6. Family history - Something I am really looking forward to it exploring my family history. Now I have F I want to be able to tell him about his family and know myself where I came from!
7. Go to a least one gig - Since having F, anything I used to do before having him disappeared! So this is a little something to try and claim some of myself back. ( I know only one gig?! Its an expensive year with the wedding! I need to be realistic too!)
8. Run 1/2 marathon (Can't believe this slipped me by! I keep forgetting I've never done this!)
9. Take F to swimming lessons - I am awful at swimming. I can swim, but not very well. I had a drowning experience as a child and then have always been very nervous of water since. So I am refusing to pass that few onto my son. Sorry F, you're going to be a swimmer!
10. Attend a toddler group with F at least twice a month - I say toddler group, could include baby gym, activity centres, toddler group at my work, toddler groups with F's childminder. I never really take him and its more because I'm nervous. This has to stop!
11. Watch 25 films I have never seen this year - This is going to be a hard one, but I never watch films! I really should, so I have more to talk about ;) So I need a movie night once every 2 weeks. I'm going to have a very timetabled life!
12. Completed a total of 25 parkruns - I'm already at 10 so I think this will an easy goal to achieve, but it will keep me on my toes. It's quite difficult to fit in the parkruns when you have training plans as well. They take so much out of you!
13. Bake something I have never baked before one a month - ohhh it could almost be like pudding parties! I'm not that good at baking and as a mother I need to me! So I will bake something else new and express my creative side..which will be interesting as I really don't have much of one!

I'm going to stop at 13. I like the number 13 :) Let it begin!